Monday, October 20, 2008

1/2 done with semester...

So its been awhile since I've blogged last. Been pretty busy with a lot of things, but here I am world... Anyways, another Monday has passed me by and again I have survived. I go straight from 12-710, rush home to get ready for MNF, and then turn to Heroes at 9-10pm, then back to MNF, and then to the gym which I still have to go, and then to phone time, and then bed around 2am ish... We'll see if I'm that lucky.

This week doesn't look too bad, AFROTC looks actually fun this Thursday and I gots work all weekend. Tried out Paisano's tonight, a local pizza joint. Actually very good, I'd highly recommend it even though I hate pizza, yes I don't like pizza, theirs was extremely good.

The Mach 1 is holding up alright, I need to wash her and get some wax and maybe a car cover before real winter comes and ices up my paint job. I would punch Winter in his face if he iced my car. First I need some more money for that junk.

I miss home and my family, although I saw my dad tonight. It was nice seeing him and hanging out with him for a bit for some MNF action. My brother is applying to colleges and seeing what he wants to do with his life, and my little baby sister got back from UVA this weekend at looking at it, and seeing if that could be a possibility for the future...scary thought...

Now I think I'm going to put my laundry away for the evening, head out to the gym, do some emails, and call it a night. Mondays suck, but sleep always makes everything better.

I think I'm going to post an ending thought with every post I do, and tonight's thought is this:

People believe that this upcoming election will bring about the needed "change" we need in America. I'm sure that eventually that this new administration will start that "change", however we will be lucky to see that in the four years of either candidate. McCain and Obama both talk about the economy and how they will help America....blah blah blah.

I could really care less for these people. They are so far removed from "normal" America that its hard to vote for someone that I can't even relate to. Obama tries to be hip and cool, and McCain tries to be younger than he really is. The reality is, I probably won't vote for either candidate at this point. Both are so unacceptable to me that it's embarrassing to vote in this election.

I go to class and students are so gung-ho for their candidates, mostly Obama. Good for you, I don't care. Do not try to impose your ludicrous policies and beliefs on me, I'll stick with mine.

Things that I care about concern me, or people I care about directly. These are items related to the Military, College, Jobs/Wages, Defense of America, and Gas prices. Health care, "old-people junk", economy, and the rest I don't care what happens. But with both of these candidates, I'm not going to be happy.

I just can't wait to be done with this stupid election, and move on to better things to be focused on rather than empty promises.


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